Dani Sumner

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104. What Story Are You Living In?

"The story we tell ourselves, about ourselves, is way more important than the actual facts of our story. And learning to walk in Grace is the first and only step we need to take.” —Dani

Earlier this week, I was reminded how much I used to run. NOT actually run, but figuratively, of course. Because I take scripture seriously.

You’re welcome for this verse. 🤣🎉👆🏽

Kermit is spot on!

In all seriousness, ever felt like running away? 

If so, check out this week’s short episode—I share more of my story and why and how I stopped running from things and figured out a way to thrive in my story and life. 👟

Isn't that what we all long for, to thrive?

I think ‘running from things’ is sometimes all we know.

Heck, maybe you’re even running from some things right now. We all are in some ways.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve thought about running away:

from responsibilities,

from people,

from my life.

And even from myself at times!

Trust me, I’ve tried, but it never truly works.

Can you relate?

The turning point came when I began learning to thrive even though I was wrestling through life and wanting to run away daily. 👟

I wish someone had told me these 4 lessons when I started my healing journey.

✅ It’s okay to have a past that I struggle with and regret parts of.

✅ The suffering in my past that I always thought would bury me is actually the foundation for my thriving life. As crazy as it sounds, it’s so true. 

✅ My story is what makes me, ME. And I finally embrace and love me… And that’s saying something because I resented myself for SO long!

✅ It's completely okay to have 'rough moments'; that doesn't mean I'm not moving forward. It's a sign that I’m human and not a robot. And you aren’t either!

👉🏽 One of the goals of our community is to help empower you with what you need to thrive, no matter the circumstances. Continue reading on the blog here…

I won’t run away if you don’t. 🤝

There are parts of our lives and stories we'd like to run and hide from. And part of finding true peace with ourselves and even with God is learning to see the bigger story.

There's always a deeper thread and a more profound 'story' going on.

And yes, God can use all of it in our lives.

Through facing the places I used to avoid, I have learned that my story, history, choices and hardships are far more intricate than the harsh narrative I have created in my mind. This self-work has changed the game for me.

That's the gift of learning to 're-write' our stories.

It's not about revising them or changing what happened — it's about learning to change how I view what happened. There are always underlying factors at play beyond just the actions themselves.

Part of the journey of 're-writing' our story is the path to true transformative forgiveness. Forgiveness is such a complicated thing.

Sure, the Bible says, "Forgive so you can be forgiven."

I have found the only authentic way to forgive someone who has harmed me is to find empathy for what led them to their choices that broke me.

There's always abuse behind the abuse or the abuser.

"Hurt people, hurt people"—that's not an excuse.

I'm not sure of any other way that true forgiveness comes unless we see the humanity behind the abuser and even the humanity behind our abusive choices as well. That's not an excuse for the choices, the abuse, or the harmful behavior. But, it's the bridge to more peace within ourselves as we try to make sense of the things that haunt us.

If this concept of 're-writing" your story and learning to see your "story" through a bigger lens—a lens of compassion, grace, understanding, and empathy—is something you want, I'd love to have you join us in the next round of The Feel Better Journey.

We deal with these concepts and much more to help us feel better at our cores.

It's Holy and Hard work. And I'd love to connect if you're drawn to continue the process of healing in yourself.

Grace is free. But embracing, receiving, and practicing it is Holy and Hard Work.

So glad you're here. -Love, Dani

🔆 Want to work with Dani? Learn more about The Feel Better Journey

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🙏🏽Need prayer or want to get in touch? Contact Us At—> hello@danisumner.com