Welcome to my world!

This is ME.

Hello, my friend!

My name is Dani Sumner, and I’m so glad our paths have crossed.

If you’ve listened to the Podcast, you know my history with an anxiety disorder, seasons of depression, ADHD, and a few other not-so-fun-in-the-moment issues that have taught me and continue to teach me so much about compassion, love, and grace.

I spent decades riddled with anxiety and overwhelming emotions that trampled me like a stampede.

My circumstances and past used to control me, which triggered major insecurity and all sorts of other “fun” things to deal with.

In the past, I felt like I was barely alive; looking back, I was.

Life felt like a storm I couldn’t weather alone. And it was.

And yes, at times, it’s still overwhelming. That’s the human experience.

It has been a gift to learn how to process life—grief, loss, betrayal, regret, Church drama, and other hardships—in a healthy and holy way instead of being tossed out of the boat during the storms every other day.

And it’s also turned into my life’s mission to help others on the journey.

I know I’m not alone.

There is a purpose for me on this planet and a purpose for you, too.

I’m a Spiritual Director and Life Transformation Coach, and I've been sober for nearly 15 years. *Except for that one drink on accident that almost took me out, but I’m still sober by the Grace of God—you can listen to that story here.

I’m so grateful for my LIFE now and my story.

Life can be so complicated to navigate, but you don’t have to do it alone.

You can live a healthy emotional and spiritual life no matter your circumstances.

No, I’m not drinking the ‘funny cool aid’; I see my favorite people do it daily.

A bit more about me: I live on the Central Coast of California with my husband Gary and two teen kids who keep me on my toes and my knees. Why didn’t anyone tell me parenting was such a rollercoaster? Maybe they did, and I didn’t listen. And I have to mention our two Australian Shepherds, Lulu and Coco. They’re precious, adorable, and exhausting at times. It's just like life, I guess.

I’ve been working with amazing humans, women, and men for over a decade, and it’s an absolute joy and honor to share my heart and life with you!

I’ve heard it said and believe wholeheartedly, “There is HOPE beyond our brokenness.”


Ready to start your journey towards healing and hope? Let’s connect!

XO! Love,

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P.S. I once heard it said, “We are more broken than we’d like to admit. Yet, we are more loved than we can ever dare to imagine!”

One of my life goals is to be open, honest and work through my brokenness each day. AND dare to imagine how LOVED I truly am!

And I want the same for YOU!

“Because we loved you so much, we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well.”

1 Thessalonians 2:8

My Quiz Results

If you could eat ONE LAST meal, what would you choose?

Um, all the meals of course! I love food. ;) But, if I have to narrow it down I would say pancakes or crab cakes. But not together, ewww. ;)

If you could meet one person, dead or alive, who would it be?

Well, in person? Jesus. Although we have met, just not face to fact, yet. ;)

Brennan Manning—without doubt my favorite author of all time. His understanding of Grace is beautiful.

My drink of choice is:

  1. Iced Tea

  2. Coffee

  3. Sparkling Mineral Water

  4. ALL of the above, ALL day long! (If you need me, I’m in the bathroom)

On my days off, the first thing I do:

My morning routine because it keeps me from depression and just overall nicer to be around, you’re welcome. ;)

AND then, pancakes of course.

My ideal vacations are:

All by myself. haha! Jk! Hawaii with my family, 100%, no doubt! Mahalo!

I am deathly afraid of:

  1. Little creatures—I would rather run into a bear than a mouse (and I did! True story!)

  2. Heights. Good Lord, typing it made my knees weak

  3. Being alone. Keeping’ it real ;)

  4. Not having water to drink. Still working on that in therapy too. ;)

My favorite verse:

“My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life.” Psalm 119:50

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Let's journey together!