Groups aren’t your thing?
Let’s talk about 1-on-1 Coaching
Let’s face it: you’re sick and tired of feeling like you’re just ‘surviving’ life! If something just feels ‘off’ inside and you’re desiring to experience more joy, peace, clarity, and more confidence, let’s connect.
Especially if you are ready to dig in and bee-line to some true freedom.
And, if you’re honest, does the term ‘group coaching’ cause a little bit of sweaty palms and panic inside?
And, deep down, you feel like your stuff is complicated and you’d prefer some anonymity and more personal time as you work through things?
You’re not alone.
If you tried therapy, have a shelf of self-help books, and attended all the church-y things, and you’re still struggling internally, I see you and I’m here and want to help.
I work one-on-one with a limited number of clients who:
Prefer more personal time for their sensitive issues and struggles.
Are in a full season and just too busy for a group commitment.
Are really desiring or needing more one-on-one time.
If you’ve been enticed and encouraged by the transformations happening inside my group programs and you want that too, like:
making peace with your past
silencing the ‘shitty committee’ that has been holding you back and beating you up for way too long
finally getting off the hamster-wheel of needing to ‘do more’ or ‘achieve more,’ yet still wrestling like you’re not enough
And you’re so ready to:
stop feeling constantly stuck
become less controlled by the roller-coaster ride of your emotions
learn to actually see and love yourself like Jesus does (yes, it's really possible for YOU too! If I can find joy and freedom from my colorful past, I promise you can too!
You know you want to do the work, and you know there’s no magic-wand that fixes everything, but you want some help from a Christian perspective and grace-filled accountability, that’s why I’m here.
I’m no drill sergeant!
But, I will lovingly help you with accountability.
And help you find a strategy, the tools you need, and a system that works for you to learn to make time for yourself and your personal and spiritual growth.
It takes commitment, but it also takes learning to accept and give yourself Grace. It is possible to find a softer and easier way to live. I’m living proof. And so are my clients.
And that’s why I’m here. We’ll walk this path, together.
We all deal with a few big regrets that marked our souls like a private scarlet letter.
And I’m here to help you break-free and find the relief you desperately desire and frankly, deserve.
Freedom is Biblical.
And it’s also a process.
I can’t fix your problems or your life, I don’t have a teleportation device.
But, I can coach and teach you to walk and live in more Freedom from the tyranny of struggle keeping you bound.
You’ve been around long enough to know the ‘ideal life’ or ‘perfect life’ doesn’t exist, but you desperately desire to learn how to find contentment in the midst of the struggle.
And you just need the tools to learn how to do the Holy work on yourself in the midst of a busy and full life.
That’s why I’m here. And I’d love to help you.
I get it.
In case we haven’t met, I’m Dani!
Why should you work with me?
Because I want you to know, I see you.
Do you have secret regrets you’ve rarely, if ever, shared with another human nagging at you that you think disqualifies you from a better life?
I see you.
Are you longing and aching to find your purpose and meaning in life?
I see you.
Are the rocky, tense, or complicated relationships with your folks (dead or alive), your spouse, siblings, or kids, or even business relationships keeping you up at night and eating at your quality of life? Basically, you just want to know how to do ‘your side’ of relationships better.
I see you.
Is your ‘shitty committee’--what I call our ‘inner critic in our head,’ as mean to you as a Nun in the 50’s at a Catholic School? *I’m not throwing shade on Nuns–I love Nuns and wanted to become one years ago–that’s a story for another day. I’m just saying, Nuns in the 50’s wouldn’t have won a kindness award, so I hear. And neither would your shitty committee in your head.
I see you.
Does your life look pretty on the outside with different successes, yet you constantly feel like you were made for more, and you’re never living up to your own expectations?
I see you…and I'm here to help!
“It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are.”—E.E. Cummings
I work with business executives, entrepreneurs, pastors, social workers, government officials, retired military, Collegiate coaches, and everything in between.
One thing they all have in common is their desire to be the best version of themselves, and to find freedom from what's holding them back.
I know sometimes it feels like we're carrying a backpack full of regrets and unworthiness that have become part of who we are.
The kind that leave invisible marks on our souls that only we can see.
And those deep-rooted beliefs that haunt us like, 'I am unworthy' or 'I will never be enough' - they stick around no matter how hard we work or how far we climb up that ladder of success. We still feel frustrated and stuck.
Yet, deep down, you know there has to be purpose and meaning for you to experience.
And there is!
You want your life to matter, and it will.
That's why I do what I do. I found deep and transformative healing in my life, and now it's my passion to help others find theirs.
If you've tried therapy, have a shelf full of self-help books, and attended all the church-y things, and you're still struggling internally - I see you, and I'm here to help.
One-on-one work with me is a very personal journey towards freedom. It takes time, dedication to the process, and yes - a bigger investment.
But the transformation? So worth it.
Set up a time to meet with me (free discovery call) and see if we're a great fit to work together!
I am so glad you're here, and I'm looking forward to connecting with you!
If my Podcast encourages and blesses you, working one-on-one will be a blast! 🌟Dani