Broken Is Safe
Hello blogging world! Nearly 6 weeks since my last post. I am told in the blogging world that is an eternity. Well, cheers to eternity then! We moved more than several weeks ago and I still feel like I am doggie paddling to stay afloat. We love our new place. But wow, I forgot how much work and effort it is to move! But this move has been so worth it. :)
Did you know a ‘broke’ horse is a trustworthy horse? My kids started riding horses recently. *Because I don't have enough things in my life to worry about, I thought I would add 'a big animal possibly crushing my child' to the list. Yes, I think about that every time we go… Just a friendly reminder you didn’t sign up to read my posts because I have ‘arrived’. Clearly I am still a work in progress.
To my children, a "broke" horse means ‘safe and trustworthy’. And it made me realize what a beautiful analogy that is to life…
A mentor of mine says, “Don’t trust a man without a limp.”—meaning; the more honest someone is about their own life, their brokenness and their frailty, the more trustworthy they probably are. I have found the more ‘broke’ someone is, the more I love and adore them.
It is a beautiful treasure to know someone who isn’t defined by their brokenness, yet is very much in touch with it.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer says, “He lives wholly by God’s Word pronounced upon him.”
Psalm 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
In my life I am reminded daily that we need each other. I have said it before and will continue to--we need people in our life fighting for us, and at times, even fighting against us on our own behalves.
Bonhoeffer also says, “But God put His word into the mouth of men in order that it may be communicated to other men. When one person is struck by the Word, he speaks it to others.”
My kids adore the ‘broke’ horse they get to learn from and spend time with. And I happen to adore the ‘broke’ people in my life I get to spend time with and learn from as well. I learn more from watching than listening.
Hosea 2:15 “There I will give her back her vineyards, and will make the Valley of Achor (Valley of trouble) a door of hope.”
My ‘valleys of trouble’ have brought about authentic relationships and have been the doorways of true hope, ministry and life for me. I am learning not to be afraid of my own brokenness. I am realizing sometimes our brokenness brings the hope we were looking for all along.
A little over 5 years ago I took on the challenge from my counselor to let people in, begin to trust, and build a meaningful community. I didn’t have anything to lose at the time testing the theory out, because I had already lost it all. It was a ‘last ditch effort’ if you will. And I have joyfully been studying and testing the theory of ‘authentic community’ ever since.
I have found that some of the most trustworthy friendship treasures in my life are those who have been broken by this world in some way, and yet are are still fighting for that hope, joy, peace and contentment the Lord offers us.
These safe relationships give me the freedom to share the things I would rather not share at all. The more vulnerable and real we are with another, the more free we become. It’s so ironic, but the things that haunt us the most, are the very things that hold the key to our freedom from them. Sharing them destroys their power over us and frees us from their tyranny in our lives.
So much of the time my community is the hands and feet of Jesus to me. Jesus didn’t come in to this world just to be our ticket to heaven. Jesus came in to this world, to give us life and to give it to the fullest. Sometimes that ‘life to the fullest’ comes through a valley of trouble. At least that has been my experience and story.
Jesus promises never to leave us nor forsake us. Some times He sends angels to tend to us, and some times he sends us our brothers and sisters to care and tend to us. We are all in this life together. You are not alone. If you are in a Valley of Trouble, pray to see that doorway of hope. It’s there. I would encourage you to open up to your community. For me, finding fellow likeminded, and like hearted people to walk through life with has been such a grace in my life. Taking the first step was the scariest, but most first steps are scary.
For so long I believed the lie, that we are supposed to carry these burdens alone. But we were NOT made for alone!
Galatians 6:2 “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
We each hold the keys to moving in the direction of a more authentic community in our own life. It takes work, and it’s not always easy. But just like our move to our new home, so worth the effort!
Go for it—be open to and find the broken and beautiful treasures that are trustworthy and safe around you to walk through life with. I am with you! But more importantly, He is… you are not alone.
Daily Grace to you.