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Codependent Blues
In the midst of feeling overwhelmed, I ask myself two crucial questions: What can I control right now? And what can make this moment better? These questions cause me to pause and reflect. Around here, we talk a lot about the power of the pause, right? Well, turns out, it's a game-changer. It's not about having all the answers but finding those small actions that bring you back to center. We need to always focus on progress over perfection.
118. Those That Hurt You Can’t Heal You. There’s Hope In The Gift of a Healthy Community
It is natural to hope that those who have hurt us can be the source of our healing. A heartfelt apology or a change in their behavior could sometimes mend wounds. However, when it comes to more significant hurts like child abuse, betrayal from a spouse, or rejection from close friends, the healing journey may take a different path