It's Never Too Late. A Fresh Perspective

Hi friend! I heard this quote a few weeks ago—and I can't stop thinking about it:

Life's a concert, not a museum.

For so long, I suffered under the 'museum' belief about my life—don't get me wrong, I love some museums, but if I had a choice between a concert and a museum, I'd probably choose a concert. Actually, I'd probably skip both, stay home with a fire, and watch Netflix. But me being a homebody the more I age is not my point! ;) I want my life to be a concert—where all the keys play together to make one beautiful symphony. And I'm sure you do too! The only issue is that sometimes it's hard to embrace that it will all work together somehow for us. Much love! -Dani

Episode 120 talks about how many of us approach life like a museum. Maybe we demand quiet tiptoeing around our past, avoiding certain aspects of the present, or welcoming others into a cold and serious life we have where we’ve worn masks or hidden parts of our authentic selves. We've tucked away our stories, regrets, and grief, creating an almost sterile atmosphere. In contrast, a concert brings energy, unpredictability, and a sense of carefree fun. Think about the concerts you've attended, the vibrant atmosphere, the connection with the music, and the joy it brings. Life, too, can be a concert, a dynamic experience where all the high and low notes come together to create a beautiful melody. It’s never too late for a fresh perspective on life and a bit of encouragement.

So, how do we transition from living life as a museum to embracing it as a concert?

Here are steps we can consider:

Embrace Progress, Not Perfection: Life is about progress, not perfection. It's okay not to have everything figured out. We must give ourselves permission to grow, learn, and evolve. Life's beauty lies in its imperfections and the mess.

Release the Need for Control: Life is unpredictable, like a concert. We will embrace the uncertainty and acknowledge we can't control everything. The beauty of life often lies in its unpredictability and spontaneity.

Let Go of the Plastic Covers: Just as Dani’s grandmother asked to remove the plastic covers from her couches in her final days, it's time to take off the protective layers in our lives now while we have the agency to live, move, and breathe. Face the discomfort, engage with life, and don't be afraid to get messy.

Let’s Laugh at Ourselves! It's okay not to take ourselves too seriously. We can find humor in our quirks and idiosyncrasies. Laughter can be a powerful tool for embracing our humanity.

Permit Ourselves to Be: We will stop judging ourselves for being who we are! Each of us is a unique symphony of experiences, and it's okay to avoid fitting into society's “perfect” mold (that is constantly pressuring us to be better, look better, buy more, etc.).

The Concert of Life
As we navigate the highs and lows of life, we will remember that every note, every experience, contributes to the beautiful symphony of our existence, just like a concert. Instead of isolating incidents, shaming ourselves, or tucking away aspects of who we are, we will approach our lives as concerts where the dark notes, the high notes, and everything in between create a harmonious melody.

Friend, with all its imperfections and complexities, your life is a gift to the world. Embrace it, enjoy the concert, and remember, your story is not over. There's still much more for you to discover and share with the world.

So, let's live our lives as concerts, not sterile museums, and allow the music of our experiences to resonate with the world. May your journey be filled with progress, laughter, and the sweet sound of a life well-lived. Listen to Episode 120 and subscribe to A Holy Mess Podcast on your favorite platform.


You Deserve Healthy Relationships.


119. Struggling With The Holiday Doom and Gloom?